Leckhampton and Warden Hill Ward Councillors
Councillor Martin Horwood
Martin Horwood has represented Leckhampton on the borough and parish councils since 2018. He's won funding for renewable energy, championed the protection of Leckhampton's precious green spaces and when development does take place he has argued successfully for low carbon homes and a high proportion of affordable housing. At parish level he has chaired the Neighbourhood Plan working group that will give local people more say over local planning decisions and bring in extra funds for community projects. At borough level he's the cabinet lead on planning and licensing and has introduced a townwide Air Quality Action Plan and moved the motion that led Cheltenham to declare a Nature Emergency, priotising biodiversity and nature recovery.
Correspondence address:
c/o Municipal Offices
GL50 9SA
Phone: 01242 216995
Email: martin@martinhorwood.net

Julia Chandler
Julia Chandler has lived in Leckhampton for 26 years and is the Liberal Democrat candidate for the borough council in May’s election, alongside Martin. Julia was an NHS nurse and midwife. She has worked at both Cheltenham General and Gloucestershire Royal Hospitals and as a community midwife. More recently she worked for the Royal College of Midwives as a professional advisor and ‘critical friend’ to NHS England. Back in 2006 she worked closely with Martin to launch the Cheltenham Maternity Matters campaign that saved Cheltenham's maternity unit. Councils have an important role scrutinising local health services. If elected, Julia wants to be a ‘critical friend’ to the local NHS too, arguing for the right decisions for local people. She's already backing Max Wilkinson’s petition for an additional GP surgery for Cheltenham.
Phone: 07543 198788
Email: julia.chandler@live.co.uk

Councillor Graham Beale
Councillor Beale represents Warden Hill ward on Cheltenham Borough Council.
Correspondence address:
c/o Municipal Offices
GL50 9SA
Phone: 01242 216 995
Email: cllr.graham.beale@cheltenham.gov.uk

Councillor Tony Oliver
Councillor Oliver represents Warden Hill ward on Cheltenham Borough Council.
Correspondence address:
c/o Municipal Offices
GL50 9SA
Phone: 01242 580 521
Mobile: 07484 887078
Email: cllr.tony.oliver@cheltenham.gov.uk